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EU-funded AgriFI invests €2.5 million in Sinapi Aba

The long-term financing provided by EDFI AgriFI – the EU-funded Agriculture Financing Initiative – to SASL aims to tackle the challenge of access to financial services for rural citizens, smallholder farmers and small agri-enterprises in the north of Ghana in particular. 

EDFI AgriFI committed to support Sinapi Aba Savings & Loans (SASL) with a EUR 2.5 million loan in local currency to reach some 25 000 agri-customers by 2025. This support comes as part of a broader EU project in support to agriculture in the north of the country called “the EU GAP”. This “access to finance component” will play an important role in synergy with the actions funded by the European Union in capacity building, matching grants, investment supports already provided by the project EU GAP [read more...

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About Sinapi Aba

Sinapi Aba Savings and Loans is a new company born out of Sinapi Aba Trust. It is a Non-Banking Financial Institution licensed under the Non-Bank Financial institutions Act 2008(Act 774), authorized to carry on the business of Savings and Loans on the 28th of March, 2013 in Ghana. All loan and savings activities that were previously managed by the Trust are new under the care of the savings and loans company.